
Showing posts from September, 2017

20 facts about me | Simplybeyou05

Hello everyone i hope your all doing well, One of my first blog post i did a 20 facts about me, and i though, its time to do an updated 20 things about me, so i hope you enjoy the blog post. 1) I have a youtube channel 2) I love Autumn and Winter 3) Im obsessed with chicken nuggets 4) Im addicted to the TV show Friends 5) Im in year 11 at school 6) I love Christmas (but i mean who doesn't 7) My birthday is October 5th 8) I love the colours blue, copper and pink 9) I wear contacts 10) Im very unpopular at school 11) My all time favourite film is cat in the hat 12) I've never had a boyfriend 13) My favourite subjects at school is, English, art, Food DT and History 14) Watching Youtube makes me feel normal 15) I love vintage films 16) My least favourite season is Summer 17) I live in a very small town 18) I love David Bowie 19) My favourite song at the moment is RU by Niki and Gabi 20 ) Im really quite and shy  I hope you enjoyed learning these 20 facts abou

Being the dumb one in the group | Simplybeyou05

Hello everyone i hope your all doing well, Have you ever been in the situation where your friends are talking about something, and you have no idea what there on about? Yep same. A lot of my friends are in top sets at my school, and im in the bottoms one, which sometimes is good, but a lot of the time is bad. I was reading Girl Online yesterday and it got me thinking, i wanted to be more open to you, and talk about something everybody might go trough. My friends always say to me "your not dumb" but I know they agree with me, once we came out of a science exam and we all had the same test, we where talking about they answers we put down, my answer where of course different to their, and then they explain how the question should of been answered, and i don't get what they explained to me, and they just say "ugh doesn't matter" and they start talking about the other questions that i got different answers for, it just makes me what to scream "AAAAARRRRR

August Favourite | Simplybeyou05

Hello everyone i hope your all doing well, I can't believe its September already, and we only have 4 months left of 2017, time is going to fast, anyway its that time again where i share with you what I've been loving this August, so grab a drink and something to eat, and enjoy the blog post! Zoella body cream - sweet inspration I have been wanting to put this in my favourites since i got it, this smells amazing, and makes my skin feel soft, i love the sweet inspiration range, because it smells like macaroons, and well i love macaroons, and it leaves my skin feeling silky and smelling amazing. I heart makeup - unicorn heart I've done a review on this product, but i have to include it in my favourites, it is probably one of the most beautiful highlighters i own, and for £4.99 its a great price for amazing results, you also don't have to worry about getting a new on too soon. David Dobrik This is a youtuber i have really enjoyed watching, his vlogs are all so

Whats in my school bag | Simplybeyou05

Hello everyone i hope your all doing well, In 2 days i go back to school,and I want to share whats in it, this is also a collaboration with an amazing youtuber called Lucy, she is so nice and kind, and you will defiantly love her channel, . My school bag is a tote bag from a small shop called Chinese Laundry, and its a vintage clothing boutique, but there only in Hull and York, and this only cost £3. Whats inside: Pencil case - WHSmith £1.50 Pukka pad - WHSmith £3.00 Victoria's Secret pink - Wild at heart £8.00 Umbrella - sports direct £1.99 Zoella collar make-up bag - Superdrug £5.99 Cecelia Ahern | A place called here - Waterstone £5.99 Thank you for reading, if you did enjoy this post let me know in the comments, and don't for get to check out Lucy's video on her youtube channel! Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter @Simplybeyou05, also if your a Pr company or interested in Collabor

Hello September!
