
Showing posts from May, 2017

A bit about me | Simplybeyou05

Hello everyone, i hope your all doing well, a lot of people keep asking me, why i don't show my face or why i don't share my name, well in this blog post im going to tell you all, leave me a comment telling me 1 fact nobody knows about you, i will reply to all! Why i don't show my face My school is one where you tell people you have a youtube channel, or blog you will get bullied and im going to be honest im not popular at all so i would get bullied and that something im trying to not happen to me but as soon as i get more the 1000 subscribers or more the 1000 view on my blog, or when i leave school and i cant get bullied then i will defo start to show my face. Why i don't tell people my name My name is not a common name and i only really tell it to bloggers or companies that i can trust or that im doing collaborations with, but like everything else soon enough i will say my name or show my face, it just take me a bit of time. There are some of the things i get

Spring look book | Simplybeyou05

Hello everyone welcome or welcome back to my blog, i hope your all doing well, Spring is here, and if your like me and don't really know what to wear hopefully this look book will help you get an idea of what to wear. The people in the pictures are my Instagram friends, i will leave there Instagram names and you should go follow then as they are amazing and so are there accounts, also leave me a comment telling me what type of things you like to wear! So the first outfit is model by Luxury.petals who is looking amazing in this outfit and what she is wearing just screams out spring! Don't forget to follow her! Where there from Denim Pinafore: New Look T-shirt: primark Shoes: Superstars-JD Sports The next couple of outfits is model by lucylu_yt and these outfits so cute and defiantly spring type outfits, Don't forget to follow her! She also has a youtube channel so go subscribe to her Where there from Top: Dorothy Perkins Skirt: Primark Tights: Primark

My Inspirations | Simplybeyou05

Hello everyone, welcome or welcome back to my blog, i hope your all doing well, im sorry i haven't posted in a while I've been really busy with school and life and have not had time to upload a blog post, BUT im back now and with a brand new blog post. I have many inspirations who have helped me become the person i am today. Let me know in the comments who your inspirations are! Zoella (A.K.A) Zoe Sugg! Zoe has to be at the top of the list because she has helped me over come so much and made me confident, without her i would never of created a blog or a youtube channel, and would not have the confidence to do anything like it, Im still not that confident but im getting there! Louise Pentland (A.K.A) Sprinkle of Glitter! Again like Zoella without her i wouldn't be doing blogging or youtube, without watching her videos and reading her blog, has made me feel like i could do it, and when i write blog post or make youtube videos i always think of Zoe and Louise and what